Oriental Simplicity

It's Over!

Thursday, Oct. 28, 2004 at 7:09 p.m.

Ahhhh...I can give a sigh of relief now that it is over. In a previous entry, I had talked about having to go to the dentist today. I have 6 temporary crowns, 2 root canals, 1 filling, cleaning,etc. Now I just go back in 2 weeks to have my crowns put on and to be fitted for a partial on my back 2 teeth. I'm so glad it's over! It was supposed to be from 8am-12 but we didn't get out of there til 2:30. My jaws and gums are kinda sore but I took a tylenol w/ codeine earlier and have some antibiotics to take too. I want to thank you all for thinking of me since I was really freaked out about going.

I can home feeling pretty queasy and finally just went to bed. I got up a short while ago and went to the gas station for v8 and juice. Now, my regularly scheduled journal reading can continue:)

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